Sept Week 3: Eureka Education Inspirements!
This week we will seek to Open minds Make connections Be inspired through the lens of math and science and have some EUREKA !! moments. So this week, we will use the lens of logic and deduction to find truth about education and make connections before doing our own fun! OPEN MINDS: To start off, let's have fun with looking at truth, which is the pursuit of any education: Now let's look at this scientist's own pursuit of truth! ( He's from NASA!!!) Now let's take this discussion of truth home! Gather your fellow family students and each of you find at least one scripture that has to do with truth and share it with each other. PUZZLES AND PATTERNS : (Crust skills) One of the great parts of math and science is looking for truth through solving puzzles and finding patterns. Let's get our minds open by doing all three of the following: #1- do a puzzle this week and try to make connections between doing the puzzle and figuring out...