
Showing posts from November 18, 2019

November: Week 2/3

Back and up again!!! Yay!!! Thanks for carrying on without me :D. I am excited to get going again! For this week we will start off with a discussion of "Ugly One."   Pay attention to the truths you learn; the truths the characters learned and how it affected their lives!  We will be playing 2 truths and a lie so start thinking about interesting things about yourselves. We will also be talking about names that we give ourselves-- mother, sister, friend, daughter, ugly, happy, athletic, shy --and the power they give over us. Inspirements for this book could be: -draw a picture of a scene in which truth is revealed or discovered -find a favorite quote and share it -act out a scene for your family and share what it taught you about truth. -study more about this culture and share three interesting truths that you discover! -come up with your own! Please do one thing and then share it with us this week as part of our book discussion! I would like you all to watch ...