
Showing posts from December 9, 2019

"Week 4": Imaginative Arts

This week we will seek to Open minds Make connections Be inspired through the lens of Imaginative Arts to bring ourselves to a beautiful conclusion for this "month"! Check out this video to kick off this week! OPEN YOUR MIND! I remember hearing the story when I was a kid about a girl that went to take her daddy his lunch.  He was digging in a hole so deep she couldn't see him.  She dropped her lunch down to him, but when he asked her to jump down to him, she was scared.  He told her that she could trust him, even though she couldn't see him.  He could see that she was terrified but encouraged her and she did it.  She jumped.  The story was told beautifully, capturing what faith it took the girl to jump into the darkness. Faith and love can help us do some beautiful things... ...things that are scary, things that save, things that comfort.  And it is our spiritual connection with God that can make this happen. It...