November: Week 2/3

Back and up again!!! Yay!!!
Thanks for carrying on without me :D. I am excited to get going again!

For this week we will start off with a discussion of "Ugly One."   Pay attention to the truths you learn; the truths the characters learned and how it affected their lives!  We will be playing 2 truths and a lie so start thinking about interesting things about yourselves. We will also be talking about names that we give ourselves--mother, sister, friend, daughter, ugly, happy, athletic, shy--and the power they give over us.

Inspirements for this book could be:
-draw a picture of a scene in which truth is revealed or discovered
-find a favorite quote and share it
-act out a scene for your family and share what it taught you about truth.
-study more about this culture and share three interesting truths that you discover!
-come up with your own!
Please do one thing and then share it with us this week as part of our book discussion!

I would like you all to watch this video at some point this week, for a devotional or on your own, as yet another cultural look at "truth."

We will be combining a couple weeks here, so I would like to hold Vanguard for a little longer on Friday. I will have some fun games and activities to keep it lively, but please come with your own inspirements done to share!

This week we will seek to
Open minds
Make connections
Be inspired
through the lens of math and science and have some

So this week, we will use the lens of logic and deduction to find truth about education and make connections before doing our own fun!
For our Eureka! look at TRUTH this week, we will start off by getting our brains warmed up with a couple riddles to develop our crust skills in this area:
That is a challenging one!  Here is one more along my lines:
It is a cute site called "pocoyo" and it has a series of riddles you can do.  They offer hints if you want to!

Think about how doing riddles can be a crust skill to help us discover truth about the world around us and about God...

MAKE CONNECTIONS: (can be Core and/or Crust, depending upon what you do with it!)

DO BOTH: (These won't take a lot of time. I read the book aloud to my kiddos and it took 15 minutes for one chapter.  The first little part is a bit confusing when the birds are talking but then it makes more sense.)
#1- After warming your brain up, check out this video about a HUGE puzzle that is afflicting our society today--ANXIETY AND FEAR.  These are huge!  Think about how hard it can be to figure out how to solve it.  Then listen for the "answer to the riddle" that Rasband suggests.

This week I want you to look at things that puzzle you in:
-your home
-your mind
-other people's behavior

I also want you to keep  your riddle-solving mind open to listening to the clues that the ultimate riddle solver, Heavenly Father, has to help you solve your riddles in your life.

Write down at least 2 along with some answers you feel like God gives you on how to solve them.

For instance, I might be puzzled why we are always late to church.  It seems like I try to get us ready, but we are always rushing through things.  Why is that?  I could prayerfully observe what happens the next time we try and go out the door and see if God can show me some clues to help me solve the riddle. You might find examples in your relationships with others, or why you always hate math, etc.

#2-Let's crack open that "Math and Magic in Camelot" book! Read the next 2 chapters (3-4) and do the fun challenges at the end of each!

BE INSPIRED! (Core time!  Have fun!)
Now take one of the things you learned about above and take it deeper!  Do a project or activity that you feel inspired to do by doing the above:

-do more riddles!  Tell us how it went :D
-do a word study on "Truth" and tell us what you find!
-create a prezi on the history of riddles or anything else you want to
-do more with what you read about in "Math and Magic in Camelot"
-since we are doing two weeks in one, you can also do a prezi on South America or write a book report on "Ugly One" 
-make a maze on paper or in real life for a younger sibling or more than one and observe how people solve things.  What makes them successful? What gets in their way?  Can you relate to it?

Use the studies for this week as a starting point to learn something personal, something that makes you excited and then come back and share it!

Share your experience in a post or a comment on this blogpost by Thursday night!  Then plan on spending some time on Friday morning reviewing other people's inspirements and experiences and making comments on at least 2 people's work.  


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