September Week 1 Leadership

Luke 2:40 And the child grew, and awaxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the bgrace of God was upon him.

In our goal to be like Christ, our education is a beautiful part of it and your time in Vanguard will help you personalize that education in a unique way!

#1 :Motivate to Change: Through application

Inspirement ideas for this portion:
-write a poem inspired from what you read
-find 2-3 scriptures that support it
-record a short thought on Marco Polo for the others in our group to watch
-pick another chapter to focus on this month--like "Knowledge" that has a really cool story and share what you liked in it either through writing or Marco Polo
-make a goal based on what you read and post it in a place to remind you what that goal is
-look in the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet and read a section that you feel inspired to read

Take a break and watch this video if you want and think about what it tells you about 
how to get an education, how to learn truth.

#2 Open Minds: Through truth
Time for a Word Study!  This is your first time to do one, so here are a couple short videos to walk you through that process:

#2 Make Connections: Through example and experience
Find a video or book about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, learn something about it and share it with us!  The link below has ideas and resources you can look at.

Here is a great link for other ideas for inspirements thanks to our "sister" non-online group:

(p.s. if anyone wants to make our blog look like and be organized like theirs, that would be great!)


  1. Hyrum: I am going to try and smile because it is an inexpensive way to look better.

  2. Hyrum: and it make it so much easier to be happy.

  3. Piper:"There is no such thing as uninteresting things, there are only uninterested people." I love this quote.

    1. I have noticed that you are really good at noticing things and people and discovering what is interesting about them. Way to keep your mind open!

  4. Lily: I like how it talked about being happy and smiling amidst trials and tribulations.

    1. I think it's super cool how you each noticed things that are actually part of your unique personalities! Lily, you are so great at putting on a brave smile when your heart is tearing up inside; or looking on the bright side of things like your Dad. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Piper: It makes sense that smiling and happiness are always found together.

    3. Hyrum: I love smiling :) but sometimes it is really hard

  5. Hava: I think it is cool how the girl in the brick story studied every single part of the brick and wrote about it


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