Kick-off Week 2019 Inspirements and Announcements

Hello fellow online groupies!  I am excited to start this year with you!

For this week, I want to get your creative juices flowing to get your hands, hearts and minds ready for our amazing first week speaker, Bre'Ann!  She is on fire about the freelance work she is doing and is passionate about creating.

First, I want you to watch this talk about creativity and pay attention to
(1) what she describes as the things that get in the way of creativity
(2) things that creativity can do for you
(3) ways you can be creative

Then I want you to take your answers to those three questions above and pick one answer that is particularly meaningful or applicable to you.  Put it in your Vanguard Sun in a proactive way!

For instance, maybe "courage to express myself" is something I need to work on, something that gets in the way of my creativity. I could put that in the Leadership section or the Imaginative Arts section as something I need to work on.  Get the idea? (If not, call me!)

Image result for image of child thinking

Next I want you to do something creative!  Anything! It can be designing a new work out, putting together a collage of pictures of your favorite cat, or even making a meal that is artistic.  I want you to put at least 30 minutes into it and then come and report what you did.  I GUARANTEE that you will inspire someone else in the room with your effort: "failed" or successful.

This month we are focusing on education and did you know something?  Only YOU can let yourself be educated. Others may try and teach you but it is you and your confidence, your trust that let them teach you.  One of the first steps of education is being willing to try new things, overcome obstacles, creative.  Let's get started on a good foot and really look how being creative can bless our education this year!

Feel free to check out the follow two General Conference talks while you work:
Gerritt Gong "Our Campfire of Faith"
Dieter Uchtdorf: "Happiness, Your Heritage" (get the connection??  the month's theme is "the pursuit of happiness"? cool!)
A favorite of mine is Sir Ken Robinson's talk: "Do schools kill creativity?"  (So funny!)
or his "How to escape education's Death Valley?"

Please share with us other videos that you enjoy that teach about being creative

Image result for image of happiness

Please look at the books for this year so you can make sure you have them or can check them out or borrow them.  Also, this month we will be reading "Heidi" as our group book or "The Lost Prince" as an alternate for the young men. You can read both or either.  We will discuss them on October 3.


  1. Hey Mary, I don't seem to know where to look for the years' book list. Could you help me out with that? Thanks!

    1. I can email and share this with people after getting permission to share from my friend who is letting us use hers to get going for the year.


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