Sept week 3: Eureka--other Biesinger Inspirements

Piper did this prezi: "Your Place" prezi
Mary did this prezi: "Pattern" prezi  (click on the link and check it out!)

We had a LOT of fun with fractals and even used some fractal quiet time music from youtube one of the afternoons this week.

Lily took these pics of patterns:
All the petals are being touched by the sun

They are all heart shaped

All the venations are going on a diagonal curve along the "wing"

They are all poking and the caterpillar itself is part of the pattern process of becoming a moth or butterfly

You can see that the veins are all facing out and they all have three lobes
Lily also noticed the connection between finding patterns and the reading of Math and Magic in Camelot this week and the pattern of poems.

Piper created some poems using random patterns and they turned out cool! 

Havala made sugar cookies, featured here and in my prezi:

They were yummy!

This is the puzzle that we put together this week and talked about how we can put the puzzle of our education together.


  1. Hava: I think that the puzzle is a good way to show how sometimes education is hard but after a few days of hard work you can put it together.
    Piper: I really like the prezi on patterns and how there are so many patterns, good and bad
    Lily: I like how Piper said we shouldn't try to run other people's lives because it is their lives and their decisions are the right ones for them
    Hyrum: Um. Hahaha. I liked the puzzle one and how it talks not trying to put other people's puzzles together although I did leave Lily's puzzle out in the van. I also think it was cool that we all needed to work together to do the puzzle. We don't do other people's puzzles, we just help them.


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