February 27, 2020: Week 3 Eureka!

This week we will seek to
Open minds
Make connections
Be inspired
through the lens of Eureka!
as we study the principle of "A good leader has good character"

Image result for inage of christ as living water
The scriptures tell us that all things testify of Christ.  We also learn that Christ is the Living Water

He is the best example of leadership ever.  What connections can you make between water, Christ and leadership after studying Archimedes and some of the principles of science involving water?

Remember--this is just where we start our journey of learning! Make sure you review the stuff in this first section as a starting point for making connections in the other sections.

1. Read "Mathematicians are People Too: Archimedes: The Man Who Concentrated Too Hard"
or if you don't have a copy, please read the following short bio: Bio at Kiddle

Check out these short videos that pay tribute to some of his contributions to the world of math and science! 

Archimedes' Screw

2. Review one or more of the following videos on the Science of Water:
(they progress from beginner to more advanced)

Water Cycle

Water Molecules

States of Matter: Water is Weird!

or Ted.com below

This is the crazy awesome part!  Turn on your brain and make some connections!  
Try to come to class with 2-3 :D

1. Archimedes:
--what things, good and bad, can you learn from how he interacted with people?  Did he have any good or bad leadership qualities?
--he did a famous experiment with gold and water: can you make any symbolic connections with leadership?

2. Water Science:
--What truths do you learn about water and how it interacts?  What connections can you make between that and how leadership works?  Be prepared to be amazed at your connections! 

3. Find some scriptures or talks that reinforce the principles you find!

Come prepared to share them at our Eureka meeting online!

Here are some ideas but feel free to come up with something of your own, in which you take what you learned a little further...and make sure to share on the blog and tell us how it goes!

1. Try out this version of an experiment that also talks about buoyancy or have a class for younger siblings where you do it with them! 

2. Archimedes wasn't afraid to try and figure out how things worked.  Find something in the world around you and figure out how it works.  What does it teach you about leadership?  What leadership skills do you need to do an activity like this?

3. Check out this video on the lever and what Archimedes learned from it and do some experiments of your own with levers!

4. Make a diorama of the water cycle and take it to class to share (or take pictures and post them on the blog).  What did you learn about leadership as you put this together, both from doing it and from the principles of water?
(Sample images and videos of water cycle dioramas)

5. For those who love math, check out this video and prepare to have your brain blown!

or if that is too much, check out this "sister idea" of Pascal's Triangle and play with those for a while!

We are reading "Book of Three" for our main book this month, to be discussed next week.
 You might want to start reading it soon. 
Please consider getting it on audio if that is easier for you :D.

Also, I want to have an "elocution" moment on week 4 (that same week).
Please pick a scripture, poem, speech or lines from a play that you want to memorize and 
give in front of the group to practice public speaking.  Think about clarity of speech, volume, speed, etc as you practice reciting it.  This can be done as a family, of course, or can be something that you memorized a long time ago.  We look forward to hearing from you!


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