April 9, 2020: Week 4 Imaginative Arts

This week we will seek to
Open minds
Make connections
Be inspired
through the lens of Imaginative Arts
as we study the principle of "Good families teach us about good societies"

So far this month, what have you been learning about what makes:
a good family
a good society?
Here's a little fun look at a strange family phenomenon to get us started this week!
The arts often portray families and societies in so many different lights!  Let's explore that this week.

1. You could say that each member of a family and each member of society plays a part.

 Check out my friend's slide show on theater to learn more about the art medium of theater and think about how it relates to what you have observed in families and societies.

2. Read "Eight Cousins" and pay attention to the different family groups, societies and sub-societies that exist in the book. Which ones are healthy?  Which are not?  What makes them so?

--through Music, Poetry and Art--
1. As you think about theater, how is your family, church or community like a play? Is there a particular
play, show or movie that captures you best :D?

2. What plays or movies have you seen or been in lately? What messages--true and false--were they trying
to portray about relationships? Consider collecting these and sharing them either in the comment section or
in class.

3. As you read "Eight Cousins," what relationships are healthy? Unhealthy? Who do you relate to or does a
character remind you of someone you know? Is there something that inspires you to incorporate into your
own life or relationships or eliminate? Please consider sharing these with us this week :D!

Take everything you have learned for the month and review it to help define what makes a good 
1. This week, take some time to find or create art that teaches you truths about what makes a happy, healthy
society, whether it be the society of your family, church or community. Make a compilation--youtube list,
poster, poem, collage, portfolio, prezi or piece of art--that can be shared with us!

2. Create something on your own that symbolizes or captures some truth about healthy society relationships
and bring it to share or post it/share it in the comment section.

3. From "Eight Cousins" capture a favorite scene or element through some art medium: diorama, sketch/paint,
poetry, song or theatrical reproduction (please record it and share!).

4. Create your own play! Record and share it or let me know and you can perform it for class :D.

5. The theater slide show has a LOT of fun ideas to do or create this week...have fun!


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